hypopharynx / ˌhaɪ pəˈfær ɪŋks /


hypopharynx 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural hy·po·pha·ryn·ges [hahy-puh-fuh-rin-jeez], /ˌhaɪ pə fəˈrɪn dʒiz/, hy·po·phar·ynx·es.

  1. Entomology. a tonguelike lobe on the floor of the mouth in many insects.
  2. Anatomy. the lower part of the pharynx.


  1. The labrum is considered by some authorities to be the hypopharynx.
  2. Distinct and conspicuous maxillulae are associated with the tongue or hypopharynx.
  3. Endolabium: the inner or mouth surface of the labium: the hypopharynx when that is well developed.
  4. Hypopharynx: a sensitive and sensory structure on the upper surface of labium that serves as an organ of taste, or true tongue.
  5. Salivary receptacle: a small cavity above the opening of the salivary duct, between labium and hypopharynx.