hyperborean / ˌhaɪ pərˈbɔr i ən, -ˈboʊr-, -bəˈri- /


hyperborean2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Classical Mythology. one of a people supposed to live in a land of perpetual sunshine and abundance beyond the north wind.
  2. an inhabitant of an extreme northern region.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to the Hyperboreans.
  2. of, relating to, or living in a far northern region.

hyperborean 近义词


等同于 northern

hyperborean 的近义词 6
hyperborean 的反义词 1

等同于 shivery


等同于 cold


等同于 north


  1. The other Hyperborean races do not widely differ in character and physical appearance from those already described.
  2. Like many nations of the Hyperborean group, the Chorotegans of Nicoya pierced the lower lip and inserted a round piece of bone.
  3. His favorite place of abode was in the Hyperborean Mountains, from whence he sallied forth on wild raids.
  4. This last some represent as a Lycian, others as an Hyperborean: and by many he was esteemed an Egyptian.
  5. It was like some Hyperborean hell, and we the doomed wretches sentenced to our eternity of toil.