hyperbaton 的定义
plural hy·per·ba·tons, hy·per·ba·ta [hahy-pur-buh-tuh]. /haɪˈpɜr bə tə/. Rhetoric.
- the use, especially for emphasis, of a word order other than the expected or usual one, as in “Bird thou never wert.”
- Hyperbaton Transgressio, when the ryghte 31 order of wordes is troubled, & hath these kyndes.
- Now the figure hyperbaton is the means which is employed by the best writers to imitate these signs of natural emotion.
- It seems to be a mere normalization of the hyperbaton; the elimination of the elision (mittere ad) may have been a factor as well.
- Note the separation of the epithets from the nouns, and the high level of diction produced by the hyperbaton.
- In none of these passages is ut separated from si: the hyperbaton elevates the phrase and makes more natural its use in verse.