hydrorhiza / ˌhaɪ drəˈraɪ zə /


hydrorhiza 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural hy·dro·rhi·zae [hahy-druh-rahy-zee]. /ˌhaɪ drəˈraɪ zi/.

  1. the rootlike base of a hydroid colony, by which it is attached to the substratum.


  1. The colonies are cylindrical tubes about one quarter of an inch in height, rising from a creeping stem (hydrorhiza).
  2. In some cases, however, medusa-buds are formed on the hydrorhiza, as in Hydrocorallines.
  3. The foot by which it is attached often sends out root-like processes—the hydrorhiza (c).
  4. As a general rule polyp-buds are produced from the hydrorhiza and hydrocaulus, while medusa-buds are formed on the hydranth.