hybridism / ˈhaɪ brɪˌdɪz əm /


hybridism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also hy·brid·i·ty [hahy-brid-i-tee]. /haɪˈbrɪd ɪ ti/. the quality or condition of being hybrid.
  2. the production of hybrids.


  1. The greatest students of hybridism to-day confirm Spencer's surmise.
  2. A closer scrutiny of the facts, however, makes the term hybridism less isolated and more vague.
  3. However, the disposition to hybridism varies considerably, and depends on the unknown laws of sexual affinity.
  4. Coast peoples tend to show something more than the hybridism resulting from the mingling of two stocks.
  5. Hybridism is the commonest fault that accompanies the introduction of new words.