hot-press / ˈhɒtˌprɛs /


hot-press2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a machine applying heat in conjunction with mechanical pressure, as for producing a smooth surface on paper or for expressing oil.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to subject to treatment in a hot-press.


  1. Cambodia, with its seemingly free press, is also a haven for foreign journalists.
  2. Gay marriage was the hot-button fight on the left and right.
  3. Everybody is trapped in an elevator together and tempers run a little hot.
  4. Sadly, it appears the American press often doesn't need any outside help when it comes to censoring themselves.
  5. This time it would be the biggest mistake for the Western press to repeat that—absolutely the biggest mistake.
  6. If the "Y" Beach lot press their advantage they may cut off the enemy troops on the toe of the Peninsula.
  7. In the drawing-room things went on much as they always do in country drawing-rooms in the hot weather.
  8. “You appear to feel it so,” rejoined Mr. Pickwick, smiling at the clerk, who was literally red-hot.
  9. Nearly half the regiment ran to secure their picketed horses, armed themselves in hot haste, and galloped to the gaol.
  10. News came that the rebels were plundering the British quarters, and the infantry went there in hot haste.