hostilely / ˈhɒs tl or, especially British, -taɪl /


hostilely2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of an enemy: a hostile nation.
  2. opposed in feeling, action, or character; antagonistic: hostile criticism.
  3. characterized by antagonism.
  4. not friendly, warm, or generous; not hospitable.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or thing that is antagonistic or unfriendly.
  2. Military. an enemy soldier, plane, ship, etc.

hostilely 近义词


等同于 differently


  1. A big first step is to stop treating a single-payer plan as a hostile force, but rather a way to take care of our own.
  2. If they don’t they’ll probably continue to face “hostile” legislation such as California’s forthcoming California Privacy Rights Act.
  3. If they start with a group of users that are not diverse, then cultures can build up in the network that are unwelcoming and in some cases hostile to marginalized people.
  4. Once a pretty hostile environment for marketers, the platform now says that globally almost 70% of members respect brands that make an effort to participate on the platform.
  5. For many of us, it’s a lot more disturbing to consider our response to an attacker than to imagine dealing with an injury or a hostile environment.
  6. I caught questioning, challenging glances flashing across the table, each woman hostilely striving to place the other.
  7. Through the veil, Renovales saw her eyes that flashed hostilely and her dainty lips angrily tightened.
  8. Public attention had been earnestly and hostilely directed to the questionable project, and Burr's hopes were at an end.
  9. For he came up to the bench and looked down somewhat hostilely at the man sitting there.
  10. Man will always listen even though disapprovingly and hostilely, if the poet reveals a soul.