hosiery / ˈhoʊ ʒə ri /


hosiery 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. stockings or socks of any kind.
  2. the business of a hosier.

hosiery 近义词


等同于 nylons

hosiery 的近义词 3

等同于 tights


等同于 hose

hosiery 的近义词 5

等同于 stocking

hosiery 的近义词 3


  1. She worked in the fields, in a hosiery factory and as a waitress.
  2. Then they added a section of nylon hosiery on the outside and measured one more time.
  3. His mother Grace might look out of the window of her sewing room in their house right on the Carnival route, and see some manifestation of Trinidad going by, or a reggae crew, wrapped in amazing sculptures of bikini and shiny hosiery.
  4. Pantyhose for men have become trendy in Europe—and have surged in popularity at a hosiery boutique called Emilio Cavallini.
  5. Her Intimates line of hosiery was also innovative in its technology and color palette.
  6. Lynchburg is a key center of knitting mills for men's and ladies' hosiery.
  7. The Deputy at first insisted that my eyes were "good enough" to see the numerous needles of the hosiery machine.
  8. It consists in gathering the hosiery manufactured by the knitting machines, whence the product issues without soles.
  9. He toiled steadily, furiously, his gaze fastened upon the growing pile of hosiery.
  10. Before luncheon M. le Duc d'Orlans visited the two hosiery establishments, made purchases, and gave orders.