horsetail / ˈhɔrsˌteɪl /


horsetail 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also called scouring rush. any nonflowering plant of the genus Equisetum, having hollow, jointed stems.
  2. a horse's tail formerly used as a Turkish military standard or as an ensign of a pasha, the number of tails increasing with the rank.


  1. The best horsetail hair comes from Latin America, at $25 a kilo.
  2. “But in the time of Downton they would have definitely slept on a horsetail mattress,” he said.
  3. This is a feature by means of which it is always possible to distinguish the Great Horsetail from any other species.
  4. Sometimes in the case of large plants, cones have been known to occur on the tips of the branches of the Marsh Horsetail.
  5. The Smooth Naked Horsetail is a common plant, specially by the sides of streams and pools.
  6. The Variegated Horsetail is not exclusively maritime, however, for it sometimes grows by the sides of rivers and ponds.
  7. Mike's Head is probably a popular name for the rush of the Equisetum species, known as "horsetail."