horsepower-hour / ˈhɔrsˌpaʊ ərˌaʊər, -ˌaʊ ər /


horsepower-hour 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a foot-pound-second unit of energy or work, equal to the work done by a mechanism with a power output of one horsepower over a period of one hour.


  1. So here I am in my requisite Lululemon pants, grunting along to an old hip-hop song at a most ungodly hour.
  2. An hour later, he scored a second flight to Johannesburg for $380.
  3. He was released within the hour without a bond on his own recognizance.
  4. The child almost died from the delay of an hour in seeking help.
  5. Her phone rings at least once an hour with questions from journalists, which she answers in Arabic, English, and sometimes French.
  6. The night wore on, and the clock downstairs was striking the hour of two when she suddenly awakened.
  7. The sound of my step shall make your heart jump; a look from me shall make you dumb for an hour.
  8. Words are often everywhere as the minute-hands of the soul, more important than even the hour-hands of action.
  9. After an hour, however, he reached this decision: He would not go to or call up Mrs. Merley.
  10. It was the darkest hour of twilight, when there was just enough of gleam from the lurid sky, to shew the outline of objects.