horologe / ˈhɔr əˌloʊdʒ, -ˌlɒdʒ, ˈhɒr- /


horologe 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any instrument for indicating the time, especially a sundial or an early form of clock.

horologe 近义词


等同于 timepiece


  1. "The hour is close at hand, then," said the master, consulting a horologe as large and as round as an orange.
  2. The cock, the horologe of Thorpe's light, crows no more to the answering hill-farms.
  3. Without the slightest premonitory symptoms of astrology, and being withal no horologe consulter, I yet do love the stars.
  4. The horologe signifies the diligence with which the priests should say the canonical hours.
  5. Do you hear the ticking of the horologe of time with each pulsation of your heart?