horn-rims / ˈhɔrnˈrɪmz, -ˌrɪmz /


horn-rims 的定义

n. 名词(复数) plural noun
  1. horn-rimmed eyeglasses.


  1. So I asked the driver to honk the horn, which he does, and Rod looks over.
  2. Reportedly, George Custer wore a Stetson into Little Big Horn.
  3. A car parked at a red light honked its horn in rhythm with the chant as the crowd passed in front of it.
  4. He told the court he called the retired captain to see exactly where he lived so he knew when to sound the cruise ship horn.
  5. Available at Jonathan Adler Whisky Tumbler Set—Light Horn, $65  This is drinking at its most fashionable.
  6. Before the outlaw can comply with this small request the horn sounds again.
  7. Also our six-shooters reposed in their scabbards, the four belts hooked over the horn of MacRae's saddle.
  8. There's one called ze, on top of a hill shaped almost like a horn; she showed me a picture of it.
  9. The second barrel was discharged with no better result, except that a splinter of its horn was knocked off.
  10. A huge string game-bag was slung over his back, and in an antelope's horn or a crane's bill bullets were carried.