horn-rimmed / ˈhɔrnˈrɪmd /
horn-rimmed 的定义
adj. 形容词 adjective- having the frames or rims made of horn or tortoise shell, or plastic that simulates either of these: horn-rimmed glasses.
- So I asked the driver to honk the horn, which he does, and Rod looks over.
- Reportedly, George Custer wore a Stetson into Little Big Horn.
- At that point, a tall, brown-haired man with wire-rimmed glasses came over to me, sat down, and peppered me with questions.
- A car parked at a red light honked its horn in rhythm with the chant as the crowd passed in front of it.
- He told the court he called the retired captain to see exactly where he lived so he knew when to sound the cruise ship horn.
- Before the outlaw can comply with this small request the horn sounds again.
- Also our six-shooters reposed in their scabbards, the four belts hooked over the horn of MacRae's saddle.
- The print of steel-rimmed hoofs showed in the soft loam as plainly as a moccasin-track in virgin snow.
- There's one called ze, on top of a hill shaped almost like a horn; she showed me a picture of it.
- The second barrel was discharged with no better result, except that a splinter of its horn was knocked off.