honeypot / ˈhʌn iˌpɒt /


honeypot 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a pot, as of glass or silver, for storing and serving honey.
  2. a person or thing that acts as a lure or decoy in a trap, scam, or scheme: The senator engaged in an extramarital relationship with a honeypot set up by his political rivals.I thought my money was safe, but the other investors were all honeypots who were lying about their profits.
  3. something or some location that is attractive or rewarding and that entices a specific group of people: The unregulated dating app was a honeypot for catfishing and predatory behaviors.The author’s childhood home became a tourism honeypot for the small town.
  4. Digital Technology. a computer system, isolated from the rest of its network, established as bait to lure malicious hackers into engaging with it, thereby revealing the identity or technique of the perpetrator without endangering the network or its data.a web page or section of hidden code in a web page that lures spammers into an interaction that identifies their content as spam or reveals its point of origin.
  5. Slang: Vulgar. the vagina.


  1. On Friday, Kevin Beaumont, working in his capacity as an independent researcher, said in a blog post that he had detected attacks on the honeypot he uses to keep abreast of attacks hackers are using in the wild.
  2. The issue in that case was that the databases were creating a honeypot and a real risk.
  3. On Stair's Honeypot rode Patsy, ordering and ranging everything everywhere.
  4. The surly ranter became softened for a time, and, though he spoke of her to others as "Honeypot," he ruled his tongue in public.
  5. Her father was on one side, mounted on his big black horse, and Louis Raincy guarded the left flank on "Honeypot."
  6. This was a negotiation which was better left to Honeypot and Derry Down.
  7. Patsy dismounted from Honeypot and bade Stair Garland get on board.