honeyed / ˈhʌn id /


honeyed 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. containing, consisting of, or resembling honey: honeyed drinks.
  2. flattering or ingratiating: honeyed words.
  3. pleasantly soft; dulcet or mellifluous: honeyed tones.

honeyed 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. A pro-level dynamic microphone bringing honeyed public radio tone home.
  2. The result is a sugary aftertaste, as the seven members of Cherry Bullet deliver their lines in honeyed tones.
  3. Take, for instance, the honeyed words of Jim Bunning (R-KY).
  4. With honeyed words, and well-timed flattery she detached State after State from the Union.
  5. On a knoll the air is honeyed with wild crab-apple; along a slope the senses tingle with the scent of the green walnut.
  6. With the Philanthus, the provision of honeyed flowers, though favourably received, is not indispensable.
  7. Had he been less blunt or coercive, had he employed a more honeyed appeal, she would not have felt so moved in his behalf.
  8. There is nothing about "Cupid's arrow," or "Dian's wit;" no honeyed word escapes his lips,—nor again does any accent of despair.