honeybunch / ˈhʌn iˌbʌntʃ /


honeybunch 的定义

n. 名词 noun


honeybunch 近义词


等同于 sweetie


等同于 darling


  1. "N-n-nothin' but a drink of water, Honeybunch sweetness," he stammered back.
  2. God bless you, honeybunch, and I'm glad William has brought you home at last, the rascal.
  3. Honeybunch was a good girl, but she was as strong as a six-mule team, and a cautious man just naturally shied away from her.
  4. Honeybunch smelt his breath and then she smelt a mouse, but she wasn't much of a talker and she didn't ask any questions—of him.
  5. "Shorely not, Honeybunch darlin'," he finally fetched up, though he was hardly breathing.