a member of a race of imaginary creatures related to and resembling humans, living in underground holes and characterized by their good nature, diminutive size, and hairy feet.
For one, I am a six-foot-one-inch human man, not a portly hobbit the size of Long Boi duck.
It also features Tolkien-inspired sights along the way, including the town of Buitrago del Lozoya, which resembles Bree, the village of hobbits and men.
I came away from the end of The Hobbit more excited about making movies than I ever had.
But the thing with The Hobbit I will tell you... I went into it very unprepared.
The other was called "Legolas From The Hobbit Tries to Order at Taco Bell."
Much of its growth has been driven by two film franchises, the James Bond movies and “The Hobbit” trilogy.
Others boast colorful tiles, captain windows to take in the vista, and fitted doors that give the appearance of a hobbit dwelling.