hitler / ˈhɪt lər /


hitler 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Ad·olf [ad-olf, ey-dolf; German ah-dawlf], /ˈæd ɒlf, ˈeɪ dɒlf; German ˈɑ dɔlf/, Adolf Schicklgruber; "der Führer", 1889–1945, Nazi dictator of Germany, born in Austria: Chancellor 1933–45; dictator 1934–45.

hitler 近义词


等同于 autocrat


等同于 tyrant


等同于 strongman


等同于 despot


等同于 dictator


  1. His harrowing escape from Vienna when Hitler took Austria in March 1938 is dramatically chronicled in his memoirs.
  2. The risk to his life was great enough that he had to flee Munich when Hitler attempted to seize power in November 1923.
  3. When Hitler became chancellor on Jan. 30, 1933, Hildebrand was confronted with a choice: Would he remain in Nazi Germany?
  4. By the end of February, as Hitler consolidated his power, his decision was made: He would not—indeed, could not—remain.
  5. Nazi t-shirts are also very popular in Thailand, which is one step away from staging a revival of Springtime For Hitler.
  6. Gould states that this Cape "has Hitler proved a barrier to the migrations of many species of Mollusca."
  7. Nayland is a stuffed shirt of the first stuffing, and a tinpot Hitler to boot, but he is fanatically and incorruptibly patriotic.
  8. Are they not the very men who sent cables of homage to Hitler and Mussolini after the shame of Munich?
  9. This month, September, the tides and the weather will all be in Hitler's favor.
  10. "No matter what Hitler tries, we'll beat him at it," he said.