historian / hɪˈstɔr i ən, -ˈstoʊr- /


historian 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an expert in history; authority on history.
  2. a writer of history; chronicler.

historian 近义词

n. 名词 noun

student of history

historian 的近义词 6
historian 的反义词 2


  1. Readers who are not deep historians are in for many layers of surprise inside “Eleanor,” the first being Roosevelt’s early life, and the racism she exhibited as a young woman.
  2. The historian in me, I never want to lose the appreciation for those who threw for 120 yards and won a game.
  3. Prokopios was the court historian of the Byzantine Empire’s most well-known rulers, Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora.
  4. Diane Ravitch is a former assistant secretary of education and historian.
  5. According to Gunter Krebs, a spaceflight historian and physicist, at the time of the heist, Luna 3 was likely spinning around the Earth at a distance of 310,000 miles, being gradually drawn into the Earth’s atmosphere.
  6. Historian Matthew Avery Sutton, however, wants you to think of something else: the End Times.
  7. Michael Kazin is a historian who has written a lot about the New Left.
  8. Fred Logevall at Cornell won the Pulitzer Prize and is a diplomatic historian; he just started a book on Kennedy.
  9. But Winning Marriage will be essential for the historian who, someday, tries to tell the full story.
  10. “It was a moment of shock that Doar never forgot,” notes historian Taylor Branch.
  11. Giovanni Francesca Abela, a historian and ecclesiastic of Malta, died.
  12. Andrew Michael Ramsay, a Scottish historian and philosopher, died.
  13. Buchanan the historian was, from his learning, thought in his days of superstition to be a wizard.
  14. John Cantacuzenus, the historian of his own times, and a defender of the faith, inaugurated emperor of Constantinople.
  15. No historian claims that any God has been seen on earth for nearly nineteen centuries.