histone / ˈhɪs toʊn /


histone 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. any of a group of five small basic proteins, occurring in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, that organize DNA strands into nucleosomes by forming molecular complexes around which the DNA winds.


  1. A lot of these early hypotheses looked at histones in terms of their ability to allow the cell to expand its genome.
  2. They showed how the four principal eukaryotic histones were related to each other and to the archaeal histones.
  3. At the same time, though, new studies of histones in an unusual group of viruses are complicating the answers about where our histones really came from.
  4. Last December, he published a paper showing that there are diverse variants of histone proteins with different functions.
  5. Billions of years ago, the cells called archaea were already using histones much like our own to manage their DNA — but they did so with looser rules and much more variety.
  6. The histone was so toxic that its anaphylactic properties could not be studied.