hip-hop / ˈhɪpˌhɒp /


hip-hop2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a popular subculture of big-city teenagers that includes rap music, break dancing, and graffiti art.
  2. rap music.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of this subculture: the hip-hop generation.


  1. “I think the types of stories we do are very similar to what happened with hip-hop,” says Jones.
  2. So here I am in my requisite Lululemon pants, grunting along to an old hip-hop song at a most ungodly hour.
  3. This was a guy from the hip-hop generation and with a perspective that was inextricably linked to that generation.
  4. Young, hip, urban millennials are using tools like Instagram to become one of the fastest growing travel markets.
  5. I asked her how her trainers, born and raised in Iran, have learned how to teach hip-hop.
  6. What more could one desire of him, I pray, Than just to hop around and stand for K?
  7. The Kangaroo can hop and hop and hop; Somehow he never seems to want to stop.
  8. The long axis of the hip-roof crystal is often so shortened that it resembles the envelop crystal of calcium oxalate.
  9. Madame stood hand on hip, the flush fading slowly, her glance resuming its habitual lazy insolence.
  10. Ward picked up a flask of corn whiskey and slipped it into his hip pocket.