hieroglyphics / (ˌhaɪərəˈɡlɪfɪks) /


hieroglyphics 的定义

n. 名词 noun

  1. a form of writing, esp as used in ancient Egypt, in which pictures or symbols are used to represent objects, concepts, or sounds
  2. difficult or undecipherable writing

hieroglyphics 近义词


等同于 writing


等同于 picture writing


等同于 scribbling

hieroglyphics 的近义词 4

等同于 handwriting


  1. The threatening walls of this tumbledown abode seemed to have been decorated with hieroglyphics.
  2. Hieroglyphics of thought were there, too mysterious for the common eye to interpret.
  3. We do not propose that he shall decipher the hieroglyphics of algebra and geometry.
  4. The Japanese cannot pocket it any more than he can thrill to short Saxon words or we can thrill to Chinese hieroglyphics.
  5. Some of them, Mr. Davies thinks, were impressed with rude hieroglyphics, symbolical of Ceridiven.