hexose / ˈhɛk soʊs /


hexose 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of a class of sugars containing six atoms of carbon, including glucose and fructose.


  1. Many of the common heavy metals, when in alkaline solutions, are strongly reduced when boiled with solutions of the hexose sugars.
  2. When hydrolyzed, they yield arabinose and a hexose; the latter is sometimes galactose and sometimes mannose.
  3. These observations confirm the view that the furfuroids take origin in a hexose-pentose series of transformations.
  4. These were the hexose constituents of the hydrolysed complex, the pentoses (or 'furfuroids') surviving intact.
  5. Euler and Fodor however did not obtain a hexose in this way .