heterozygote / ˌhɛt ər əˈzaɪ goʊt, -ˈzɪg oʊt /


heterozygote 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a hybrid containing genes for two unlike forms of a characteristic, and therefore not breeding true to type.


  1. The heterozygote produced by crossing these forms is intermediate in size and appearance.
  2. Heterozygote (different yolk), a zygotic individual which contains both members of an allelomorphic pair.
  3. If the individual was really a heterozygote, approximately fifty per cent.
  4. Eosin is allelomorphic to white and the white-eosin compound or heterozygote has the color of the eosin male.
  5. In this character, then, dominance almost always fails to show itself in the heterozygote and often fails in pure dominants.