heteronormative / ˌhɛt ər əˈnɔr mə tɪv /


heteronormative 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. noting or relating to behavior or attitudes consistent with traditional male or female gender roles and the assumption of heterosexuality as the norm: our heteronormative culture.


  1. “Many states still bow down to the heteronormative notion that you need a mother and a father,” Martell explains.
  2. Members of such families can take on heteronormative, hierarchical roles—such as those of “house parents” in the drag and ballroom scenes, for example—or work as a collective in which responsibilities are shared as equitably as possible.
  3. Learn more about the continuing fight for equality within a heteronormative culture in this live discussion.
  4. It’s so heteronormative that even though TV series aren’t necessarily meant to be educational, they give youth a glimpse into something that some of them are just not finding anywhere else.
  5. It’s not that Recalcati simply ignores these things, it’s that the vision of love he constructs on the page is a total heteronormative eclipse that obscures the light of their existence.
  6. In a funny way, Lana is almost too straight to be heteronormative.
  7. This is a completely heteronormative presumption that masculinity is a quality only exuded by men who have sex with women.