heteromerous / ˌhɛt əˈrɒm ər əs /


heteromerous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having or consisting of parts that differ in quality, number of elements, or the like: a heteromerous flower.


  1. Rhipiphorus, rī-pif′o-rus, n. a genus of heteromerous beetles.
  2. Heteromerous: having an unequal number of tarsal joints on the feet.
  3. Legs heteromerous, four claws to each tarsus, two of them larger than the others, and minutely serrulate on the inside.
  4. In a large number of the Heteromerous beetles, they are set transversely, in the Capricorn ones longitudinally.
  5. Heteromerous insects are those in which the number of these joints varies in the different pairs of legs.