hetaira / hɪˈtaɪər ə /


hetaira 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural he·tai·rai [hi-tahyuhtahy-rahy]. /hɪˈtaɪətaɪ raɪ/.


  1. In Greece and Rome there was, perhaps you know, a certain class of females called Hetaira, also a class of males called parasites.
  2. Everyone recognized the beautiful hetaira as Aphrodite, and she was hailed, as with one voice, the Queen of the World.
  3. These thoughts, he says, have been suggested to him by the life of the hetaira Thais whose body and soul are ever at variance.
  4. The nun generally was emancipated from man as thoroughly as the hetaira had been from marriage.
  5. The Greek ideal of woman which the hetaira exemplified was beauty.