herry / ˈhɛr i /


herry 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb

her·ried, her·ry·ing.Scot.


  1. You must herry and git into the house, Huldy, for I d' 'no' how the machine's managed to run without ye all this time.
  2. And in this yere was the seconde gret pestilence, in whiche good Herry of Lancastre deyde, and Sr.
  3. Herry his sone, and the erle of Westmerland, Robert of Watton, and manye othere lordes and gentiles of the north contre.
  4. Herry Percy was there taken and kept too dayes after on lyve; and for he was embassator before the batall betwen the kyng and Sr.
  5. Herry Percy, manye a good man loste there hys lyf, wherfore they seyde Sr.