herpetic / hərˈpɛt ɪk /


herpetic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. of, relating to, or caused by herpes.


  1. The heart had been attacked for some time past; a herpetic affection threatened to complicate the state of affairs.
  2. Another application for herpetic eruptions is the juice of the leaves mixed with an equal quantity of lemon juice.
  3. Winking habits follow an herpetic involvement of the superior branch of the fifth nerve.
  4. Herpetic eruptions about the mouth or nostrils were observed in 20 out of 181 of our cases in which this point is noted.
  5. Feron also calls Bretonneau's mild form of the disease a herpetic angina with pseudo-membrane; so does Gubler.