hermeneutics / ˌhɜr məˈnu tɪks, -ˈnyu- /


hermeneutics 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the science of interpretation, especially of the Scriptures.
  2. the branch of theology that deals with the principles of Biblical exegesis.

hermeneutics 近义词

n. 名词 noun

the science of searching for hidden meaning in texts


  1. It is no longer a question of hermeneutics, no longer a struggle between abstruse dogmas of rival churches.
  2. Logic Proper: The criteria of truth; species of knowledge, and general rules of criticism and hermeneutics.
  3. The term Hermeneutics (Greek, hermeneuo, to interpret) is commonly employed to denote the principles of scriptural interpretation.
  4. Hermeneutics is, therefore, the science of interpretation; Exegesis, the application of this science to the word of God.
  5. Such a right he could never have derived from humanity, or philosophy, or hermeneutics.