hereabouts / (ˈhɪərəˌbaʊts) /


hereabouts 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. in this region or neighbourhood; near this place

hereabouts 近义词


等同于 here


  1. I am qualifying for the position of district leader hereabouts, although I'm not announcing it from the house-tops.
  2. The shores appear to abound with shellfish, although Dampier thought that shells hereabouts were scarce.
  3. In regard to building operations hereabouts extensive use has been made of materials derived from Corstopitum.
  4. In the Museum by the gates are deposited sculptured stones, vases, etc., discovered hereabouts.
  5. Say, good fellow, can you tell if the Honorable Samuel Tucker lives here or hereabouts?