herbivorous / hɜrˈbɪv ər əs, ɜr- /


herbivorous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. feeding on plants.

herbivorous 近义词


等同于 vegetarian

herbivorous 的近义词 2


  1. Leaf fossils bear traces of the different types of interactions between herbivorous insects and plants, from creatures that strip leaves to their skeletons to those that drill careful holes through them.
  2. It may not be a coincidence, though, that the two known examples of such an event occurred in the same herbivorous insect.
  3. What gave the eusauropod giants a leg up on their herbivorous competition has been unclear, in part because there are relatively few fossils dating to the transition between Early and Middle Jurassic.
  4. Hence result special energies, which do not suit every herbivorous animal.
  5. There is no exception, unless man be one, to the rule of herbivorous animals having cellulated colons.
  6. The Phasmid or Walking-sticks are herbivorous and may be collected in the midst of vegetation by sweeping or by the hand.
  7. Herbivorous; polypod; antenniferous: body short, oblong, depressed, margined.
  8. Herbivorous; hexapod; antenniferous, with long antenn: body shortish, compressed, saltatorious.