heptarchy / ˈhɛp tɑr ki /


heptarchy 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural hep·tar·chies.

  1. the seven principal concurrent Anglo-Saxon kingdoms supposed to have existed in the 7th and 8th centuries.
  2. government by seven persons.
  3. an allied group of seven states or kingdoms, each under its own ruler.


  1. Palgrave inclines to think that London never formed part of any kingdom of the Heptarchy.
  2. The Danish invaders expected to set kingdom against kingdom throughout the Heptarchy, and subject them all to the sceptre of Odin.
  3. It, in conjunction with the Humber, divided Northumbria from Mercia during the heptarchy.
  4. Woden is claimed by the early Angle and Saxon kings of the heptarchy as their common ancestor.
  5. Bede was a Northumbrian priest in the time of the Heptarchy.