a person, nation, etc., that has or exercises hegemony.
He concludes that while “American is no longer a hegemon,” this is probably a good thing, a chance to make a leap of faith into a world — and a country — that might yet be better than the one we already know.
As time passed, smaller countries didn’t want to go up against the regional hegemon and American companies had become too globalized to care, so China was never held to account.
The site is not a hive-mind hegemon, nor even an organized media property.
America—Hegemon, hyper-puissance, whatever—needs, in these times, a muscular smaller ally without a sidekick-complex.
Our distinguished champion and unflinching Hegemon, Amelia Smackles, assumed the presidential throne.
Some of the jokes of Hegemon, who first introduced dramatic parody, were of a similar description, but more unpleasant.