These men with ties to the underworld were headquartered in a US Army compound in Virginia, Stockton wrote in his book Flawed Patriot, and only deployed outside of the US.
While Nuro wouldn’t name the partner or city, it’s worth noting that the company is headquartered in Mountain View and has previously expressed a desire to start operations close to its main office.
The Southern California–based business is headquartered near Montecito, where Meghan and her husband, Prince Harry, moved earlier this year.
Musk, 49, has lived in the Los Angeles area, where SpaceX is headquartered, for two decades.
Like this area we’re in, near Fremont East, which is an area that most tourists don’t know about, already existed and just by magical coincidence it was a few blocks from the former City Hall, which is now Zappos headquarters.
The commander-in-chief still kept him attached to the headquarter staff, and constantly employed him on special service.
Finally, as Father's stay was prolonged, I persuaded Grandfather to headquarter over here.
Soon thereafter,64 the Headquarter portion of the regiment was on board the Monarch, and away from India homeward bound.
We removed our first kitchens across the road, up alongside the headquarter tent of Major Wood, in charge of the camp.
He spoke first of the offer to go on the headquarter-staff which he had refused.