headlamp / ˈhɛdˌlæmp /


headlamp 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. It’s lit during the day and open 24 hours for exploration, so bring a flashlight or headlamp if you wish to explore it after hours in the dark.
  2. Weeks earlier, a company that shall remain unnamed offered up a sample of its flashy new headlamp, a USB-powered beast with an impressive battery life and a few dozen fancy modes ostensibly meant to brighten the night like some laser-light show.
  3. If you resist the urge to turn on your headlamp or flashlight for a while, you might be surprised by how well you can see, and how incredibly bright the stars seem.
  4. Wearing headlamps to find the lizards in the dark, the team collected 120 lizards near streams and 180 away from streams.
  5. Bishnu immediately paid down his loans, then purchased a new headlamp and a pair of expedition gloves.
  6. “Slacken up before you reach the grade and put your headlamp out,” said Grant.
  7. Freight cars occupied the tracks and the dazzling beam from a locomotive's headlamp touched piles of goods and hurrying people.
  8. The white beam from the locomotive headlamp melted in the strong illumination, and moving figures cut the dark background.
  9. The headlamp bathed the other car in a white glare, punctuated with angry red flashes from the emergency lights.
  10. He flicked the headlamp at Ferguson in the control seat of the passenger car and the two vehicles moved out.