haugh / hɑx, hɑf /


haugh 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a stretch of alluvial land forming part of a river valley; bottom land.


  1. The lady told her little story—whatever it was Jocelyn could not hear it—the statesman laughed: 'Haugh-haugh-haugh!'
  2. I think, standing at any point in the great haugh of the Danube, I could see as much grain as all Scotland could produce.
  3. Some gipsy queen in Haugh of the Tweed hath wooed thee out of thy affection for thy Isabel; and now thou askest what hath kept me.
  4. "I will never set my foot inside the Haugh," Rupert said, firmly.
  5. At her marriage, your mother will of course live at the Haugh with Sir William.