hastate / ˈhæs teɪt /


hastate 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. triangular or shaped like an arrow, with two spreading lobes at the base.

hastate 近义词


等同于 triangular


  1. Hastate, or Hastile, shaped like a halberd; furnished with a spreading lobe on each side at the base, 53.
  2. Hastate, like the head of a halberd—applied to leaves which have a spreading lobe on each side of the base.
  3. Hastate: halbert-shaped: excavated at base and sides but with spreading lobes or angles.
  4. Radical leaves nine inches long, four inches wide, oval-hastate or halberd-shaped, growing on long footstalks.
  5. The hastate leaves are shapely, and the whole plant is charming when grown away from dust.