hard-of-hearing / ˈhɑrd əvˈhɪər ɪŋ /


hard-of-hearing2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having reduced or deficient hearing ability; having mild, moderate, or severe hearing loss: We provide amplified phones for those who are hard of hearing so that they can communicate with friends and family.
n. 名词 noun

Usually the hard of hearing .

  1. people who have reduced or deficient hearing ability: Besides being an aid for the hard of hearing, subtitles improve comprehension for viewers learning a different language.

hard-of-hearing 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

with reduced hearing

hard-of-hearing 的近义词 3


  1. Just the hard-on before you shoot unarmed members of the public.
  2. But so-called jungle primaries are notoriously hard to predict or poll.
  3. But if you have a hearing and you prove that someone is mature enough, well then that state interest evaporates.
  4. My body used for his hard pleasure; a stone god gripping me in his hands.
  5. All of my stories are about people trying hard not to grow up.
  6. It seems very strange that I shall actually know Liszt at last, after hearing of him so many years.
  7. Finally, let me ask the general reader to put aside all prejudice, and give both sides a fair hearing.
  8. He thought they were now in touch with our troops at "X" but that they had been through some hard fighting to get there.
  9. However this be, it is hard to say that these fibs have that clear intention to deceive which constitutes a complete lie.
  10. The young lady, hearing his step, turned round and stood on the stair, confronting him fiercely.