hangman / ˈhæŋ mən for 1; ˈhæŋˌmæn for 2 /


hangman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural hang·men. for 1.

  1. a person who hangs criminals who are condemned to death; public executioner.
  2. a word game in which one player selects a word that the other player must guess by supplying each of its letters: for each incorrect guess a part of a stick figure of a man who has been hanged is drawn.

hangman 近义词

n. 名词 noun


hangman 的近义词 3


  1. Plus hanging with a specific hangman never stopped and still is used in New Hampshire and Washington State.
  2. Parliament of England ordered the Book of Sports to be burned by the common hangman.
  3. The solemn league and covenant burned by the common hangman at London, and afterwards throughout the country.
  4. But now the hangman smokes, and the criminal condemned to death smokes before being hanged.
  5. How refinedly brutal is this constant care lest the hangman be robbed of his prey!
  6. This day among other stories he told me how despicable a thing it is to be a hangman in Poland, although it be a place of credit.