hands-off / ˈhændzˈɔf, -ˈɒf /


hands-off 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. characterized by nonintervention or noninterference: the new hands-off foreign policy.
  2. remote or unfriendly; estranging: a truculent, hands-off manner toward strangers.

hands-off 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


hands-off 的近义词 4


  1. “We all shook hands and my client told me to leave,” he said.
  2. Although the blood-spattered offices will be off-limits, staff have vowed to continue producing the magazine.
  3. My body used for his hard pleasure; a stone god gripping me in his hands.
  4. A passing off-duty school safety officer named Fred Lucas said that he had been told the man was a drug dealer.
  5. An ace comedic turn that, in lesser hands, would come off as one-note.
  6. With a suffocating gasp, she fell back into the chair on which she sat, and covered her face with her hands.
  7. She sat straight up in bed, and jerked her hands to her head, and screamed long and terribly.
  8. He reached forward and took her hands, and if Mrs. Vivian had come in she would have seen him kneeling at her daughter's feet.
  9. He burst into a loud laugh, clapped his hands, and danced before the delighted babe.
  10. Turn away from sin and order thy hands aright, and cleanse thy heart from all offence.