hallux / ˈhæl əks /


hallux 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural hal·lu·ces [hal-yuh-seez]. /ˈhæl yəˌsiz/. Anatomy, Zoology.

  1. the first or innermost digit of the foot of humans and other primates or of the hind foot of other mammals; great toe; big toe.
  2. the comparable, usually backward-directed digit in birds.


  1. Hallux raised above level of other toes; toes with wide lateral lobes, united at base.
  2. External nostrils are produced into tubes; anterior toes fully webbed; hallux small or absent.
  3. In the posterior limb the tibia and the hallux are pre-axial, the fibula and the fifth toe are postaxial.
  4. On the pre-axial side of the hallux is the supplemental digit, the prehallux or calcar.
  5. The first digit or hallux has two phalanges, the second three, the third four, and the fourth five.