habanero / ˌhɑ bəˈnɛər oʊ /


habanero 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ha·ba·ne·ros.

  1. an extremely pungent small pepper, the fruit of a variety of Capsicum chinense, used in cookery.


  1. At one table, as I’m watering from a particularly mean habanero sauce, I ask the man behind the table why he has a sword.
  2. A habanero pepper, among the hottest out there, has roughly 200,000 SHUs.
  3. You might expect prisoners to have to pay extra for items like habanero squeeze cheese, for example, but what about pen and paper?
  4. I had been dreaming about the posole rojo, pollito asado and, of course, the habanero-infused tequila all day.
  5. My dreams of posole rojo, pollito asado and habanero-infused tequila were crushed.
  6. "Ass Kickin' Habanero" Popcorn Manufacturer: Southwest Specialty Food, Inc.
  7. Review: "The tasted quite good, with great crispness and a nice habanero kick."