gusty / ˈgʌs ti /


gusty 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

gust·i·er, gust·i·est.

  1. blowing or coming in gusts, as wind, rain, or storms.
  2. affected or marked by gusts of wind, rain, etc.: a gusty day.
  3. occurring or characterized by sudden bursts or outbursts, as sound or laughter.
  4. full of meaningless, pretentious talk: gusty speechmaking.
  5. vigorous; hearty; zestful: a gusty woman.

gusty 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Winds stay gusty, blowing at 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 to 30 mph at times.
  2. Winds continue to be gusty out of the northwest, sometimes topping 25 mph.
  3. Winds from the northeast get a bit gusty overnight with temperatures in the upper 20s to mid-30s.
  4. Cooler yet still-mild temperatures combining with potentially gusty breezes by the afternoon.
  5. Highs in the low 50s are on the warm side for mid-January, but occasionally gusty winds reminded those out and about of the time of the year.
  6. Netanyahu is like a man driving a car with poor wheel alignment in a gusty cross wind.
  7. She could see the glint of the moon upon the bay, and could feel the soft, gusty beating of the hot south wind.
  8. The night was gusty, the north-west wind made fierce attacks on the square, comfortable house.
  9. How grateful he felt that Gusty was not, and he resolved to watch over him with greater care than he had before done.
  10. Once, when it was rather gusty weather, all hands were wanted, and the skipper ordered him to furl a sail.
  11. But nobody amongst these brave English cooks can kittle up his Majesty's most sacred palate with our own gusty Scottish dishes.