While photographing the flames in Estacada, Oregon, last September, a photojournalist was held up at gunpoint by vigilantes who accused him of being a “looter,” as the Guardian reported.
Meanwhile, Goynes and Russo—having invaded the tidy but claustrophobically wallpapered Wertz home wearing ridiculous masks that make them look like Lone Ranger rejects—keep an eye on Wertz’s family, holding them casually at gunpoint.
In one case out of Bladensburg in March, a man filling up his car at a gas station was shot at by an attacker from a nearby gas pump who jumped in the front seat and demanded his car at gunpoint.
Hundreds of survivors were rounded up at gunpoint and held for weeks at camps.
West, who refers to Israel’s expansionism in Palestinian territories as “ethnic cleansing” says “anytime you’re pushing out people at gunpoint from their land, there’s no other description.”
One eyewitness reported seeing the police force students out of another bus at gunpoint.
An entire audience worth of miserable-looking celebrities appeared to be attending at gunpoint.
The men are then dragged away at gunpoint from their wives and children, never to be seen again.
One complaint details how a priest threatened his victim at gunpoint not to tell authorities about the ongoing rape.
The gunmen robbed the EU delegation at gunpoint before shooting at passing cars and making their escape.
Perhaps he could hold one of the officers at gunpoint; perhaps he could take over the ship.
You took the scout-ship by force, with the pilot at gunpoint, and made him home in on his orbit-ship.
"You will turn off the project, at gunpoint if necessary," he continued in a grim voice.