gumma / ˈgʌm ə /


gumma 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural gum·mas, gum·ma·ta [guhm-uh-tuh]. /ˈgʌm ə tə/. Pathology.

  1. a rubbery, tumorlike lesion associated with tertiary syphilis.


  1. There was the secret ploughing society of the young men of a village in Gumma prefecture.
  2. He was introduced as a rural religionist from Gumma prefecture set on reforming his countrymen.
  3. An isolated gumma forms a firm elastic swelling, shading off into the surroundings.
  4. If a periosteal gumma breaks down and invades the skin, a syphilitic ulcer is formed with carious bone at the bottom.
  5. The disease is liable to be mistaken for central tumour, gumma, tuberculosis, or abscess of bone.