gular / (ˈɡuːlə, ˈɡjuː-) /


gular 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. anatomy of, relating to, or situated in the throat or oesophagus

gular 近义词


等同于 throaty

gular 的近义词 6
gular 的反义词 1


  1. They have a large bright orange gular sac, a long, hooked bill, and small slightly webbed feet.
  2. The gular sac is to be found in both sexes, but somewhat larger in the males.
  3. The larvae possess both pairs of legs (Fig. 10) and a broad gular fold similar to that of larval salamanders.
  4. The gular teeth placed there break the shell without spilling the contents, as would be the case if the front teeth were large.
  5. There are also a pair of large jugular or gular plates, and several large opercular bones.