gulag / ˈgu lɑg /


gulag 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the system of forced-labor camps in the Soviet Union.
  2. a Soviet forced-labor camp.
  3. any prison or detention camp, especially for political prisoners.

gulag 近义词


等同于 concentration camp


等同于 labor camp


等同于 prison camp


等同于 detention camp


  1. A former lover of Shostakovich, the writer Galina Serebryakova, disappeared into the Gulag camps.
  2. When I wrote the novel about the Gulag, House of Meetings, the name Stalin only appears in a footnote very early on.
  3. I am sure that no one in a Gulag or Kanz-lager would have turned their nose up at some fresh poultry.
  4. It was post-Stalin, and they were unthreatened by the gulag, but censored and surveilled.
  5. Inside of prison, even our privileged American prison, scarcity is just as much of an issue as it was in the Gulag.
  6. Gular suture: the line of division between the gulag or throat and the gene or cheeks.
  7. They cruised into a private gate, away from the militarized gulag that fronted Miami International.
  8. In 1974, after publishing Gulag Archipelago (about life in Soviet prison camps), the writer was exiled from his homeland.
  9. Gulo-mental: includes the region covered by the gulag and mentum.