gripman / ˈgrɪp mən /


gripman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural grip·men.

  1. a worker on a cable car who operates the grip, which, by grasping or releasing the moving cable, starts or stops the car.


  1. He said airlines wouldn’t hire him for flying jobs, and he supported his family as a trolley gripman.
  2. A cable-car, with clanging bell, was bearing down upon it with a speed which the gripman seemed powerless to check.
  3. Her neck was no bigger than a gripman's wrist and she had a nose that stood right out from her face almost an eighth of an inch.
  4. The gripman usually jerks his thumb over his shoulder and indicates the next car, which is three miles away.
  5. Towards evening, when the tides of travel set northward, it is curious to see how the gripman and conductor reverse their tempers.
  6. From the forward end you hear the gripman uttering shrill whoops and running over citizens.