grayhound / ˈgreɪˌhaʊnd /


grayhound 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a variant of greyhound.


  1. I did so; and as he listened, I saw a tear fall on the beautiful head of the grayhound, whom he bent over to caress.
  2. It proved to be an "ocean grayhound," and Captain Brown coming up, let them look at it through his glass.
  3. In the same field, the cow eats grass; the grayhound hunts the hare; and the stork helps himself to the frogs.
  4. I was so vexed, so distressed, because it was almost sunset and the boar seemed to be going strongly and faster than a grayhound.
  5. It is that house which has the old cross just before it, as you turn down between the church and the Grayhound.